we cannot always escape reality, can we?today, I am 24. i feel younger and older. i can still jump, i still make funky dance steps, i still enjoy my croaky voice karaoke, i still…Aug 102Aug 102
Note to Self: We’re all StarsSilence. That’s the beginning of this story, of this life, this phase — a laughter that moulds across charred lips at a chime of message…Jun 102Jun 102
Yikpata, Kwara: What the eyes seek is what it findI began in the second week of camp and ended in the fifth week after camp.Jan 145Jan 145
We're all Classiest at the end of the day, some are just opportune to be more classiestUnpopular opinion of Calypso Dec 10, 2023Dec 10, 2023
Colonialism and Racism as Dominant Discussion in the Contemporary Lecture: A Review of Kehinde…In global historical conversation, it is very easy to overlook some brutal salient factors that have contributed to Western and far Eastern…Nov 23, 2023Nov 23, 2023
Happy Moments, Fluffy Memories& best read with Ignis Brothers, Saint and Sinner or repeat.Sep 1, 20232Sep 1, 20232